The mission of the Universitat de València clearly sets out the reason of the institution, according to the legal and statuesque framework. The strategic reflection process that has been undertaken to define the Strategic Plan of the Universitat de València 2008-2011 resulted in the definition of the Universitat’s mission.
We understand that this statement remains actively changing, although its achievement will require different objectives and approaches that focus on new challenges.
“The Universitat de València’s mission is to train competent professionals at European Professional Standard and to encourage prestigious research with international implications that will contribute to the development of our society. Through training and research, the UV will promote the field of dissemination of science and culture, and also promote the reaffirmation of the democratic values of the society in general, and in the Valencian society in particular.”
Written materials for teaching, research, and culture, managed by RODERIC
Through RODERIC, and with a creative commons license you can find, ordered by university subjects (law, medicine, physics, chemistry, philology, pharmacy, computer science...) resources and materials provided by the teaching staff and the university community of the Universitat de València in:
The RODERIC contents cover all the scientific subjects taught at the Universitat and include all types of digital materials, both preprints and post prints, conference papers, working documents, teaching materials and learning objects, journals published by the Universitat de València, as well as documents and materials resulting from the institutional activity carried out by its centres, units and services.
All of RODERIC's resources can be freely used in the Virtual Classroom, obviously respecting the moral right of recognition of authorship and not being able to carry out, without the due authorisation of the holder of the rights, acts of commercial exploitation of said resources and documents.
We invite you to use them and to participate by uploading the materials you wish to disseminate, which will complete the existing offer.
Audio-visual materials
You can also make use to illustrate the teaching of the audio-visual materials that are made available through: Mediauni UV.
Open and Massive Online Courses (MOOCs)
The Universitat de València also has a list of courses that can be taken free of charge and aimed at a range of Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs)
See at:
List of outstanding resources for your research
Data protection on scientific research, online teaching and evaluation
The UV Data Protection Delegation offers "information of interest" through of guides, reports, recommendation, clarifications and links on data protection and other related topics, such as privacy, property intellectual or protection of ideas (know-how)
Bibliographic resources
The Libraries and Documentation Service has a large number of subscribed electronic resources that can be used by members of the Universitat de València using a VPN connection. Through Trobes+, the library's search engine, most of the books and electronic journals subscribed by the library can be accessed.
Our subscribed databases can be consulted on this portal. In addition, the Library offers a selection of electronic resources for students, for professors and for researchers:
For teaching, professors can use the degree thematic guides prepared by the libraries. The guides offer resources (paper books, e-books, articles, etc.) to prepare for the degree subjects. See the thematic guides from this link.
The Health Sciences Library offers information to the medical research staff in this special page with information about the coronavirus. The Social Sciences Library has compiled in this guide all the regulations generated since the declaration of the State of Alarm.
Finally, we invite you to check the regulations on the responsible use of electronic resources and the Universitat de València's Protocol on the use of materials subject to protection by the regulations on intellectual property in digital environments.