Biographical Information

To register an account on many social media platforms, you will be required to provide your information such as full name, year of birth, age, address, or email.

Keep these pieces of information to yourself to limit what other social media users know about you. Such information can provide cybercriminals with enough data to cause you harm. You may consider customizing the privacy settings on your social site.

Account Information

Carefully consider the kind of personal detail you provide on your social media profile.

Never provide sensitive information such as nearest schools, political affiliation, bank account information, former or current workplace, Social Security numbers, or general interests, among others.

Providing this information may appear harmless, but it can be used to scam you or serve you unnecessary ads. Most of social media networks allow you to control who can see account information data.

Steps to manage who can see profile data on Facebook :

  1. Click account in the top right of Facebook.

  2. Select Settings & Privacy, then click Settings.

  3. Click Privacy in the left column, then click on Manage your profile

4. Chose information category under About on the left side, when you find information that you wish to change who can see it, click on the icon.

5. Use the Select audience box to choose who can see information (example Only me)

Última alteração: quinta-feira, 31 de março de 2022 às 00:03