Admin User
Blog entry by Admin User

ENSA General Assembly and connected actitivities
Invitation and draft program
14-15-16 November 2022
Registration is compulsory for all the events and sections by completing the following google form: confirmation according to availability of seats
Venue: Palazzo Grandi Stazioni. Fondamenta Santa Lucia, Canareggio 23 30121, Venice
ONLINE attendance is also possible
The Veneto Region and the ENSA (European network of Social Authorities) have the pleasure to invite you to the second part of the General Assembly 2022 that, thanks to the improving of the COVID situation, can be hold face to face for those who have the possibility to come.
The objective of the meeting will be to update together the bodies of the network, according to the changes that have occurred in the last years, and the statutes. In addition, suggestions to the general guidelines of the annual programme can be exchanged for future developments
Furthermore, we will take this opportunity to provide to the thematic working groups a possibility to share their priorities taking advantage of a specific invitation of the final meeting of the N.E.x.T TO YOU project (Network for the Empowerment, the social and labour inclusion of Trafficked minors and young adults).
Day 1, Monday November 14th. 9.00-17.30
N.E.x.T. TO YOU Study Visits, Internal Consortium meeting and follow up
Day 2, Tuesday November 15th
N.E.x.T. TO YOU Final Conference
ENSA General Assembly and Youth Child and Family working group meeting
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child recognises the right of all the children to have the best possible start in life, to grow up happy and healthy and to develop to their full potential. This requires not only an inclusive society with accessible and quality basic services, but also an organisation of care and support that starts from before pregnancy. In doing so, we note that social inequality and the complexity of the issues where parents, children and young people are confronted with is increasing. Integrated care and support in different life domains are an important and necessary answer to this. It requires not only new organisational forms but also the development of new methodical and evidence-based "integrated" approaches. During the ENSA child and youth/family working group, we will make space to identify ideas and practices for future collaboration.
Day 3, Wednesday November 16th
Youth Care Platform meeting
After 3 years of only few activities (due to the COVID-19), the Youth Care Platform looks at the future again! Since the Youth Care Platform was launched in September 2013, the activities of the network were driven by work plans with a 3 years life span. Next meeting in Venice, we will start with the collection of ideas for a new work plan for the period 2023 – 2025. Next to this, we will hear updates on some EU-funded projects that are running now (note that the Youth Care Platform acts as advisory board for some projects). It is still possible to add other topics to the agenda and also your project can be highlighted.
Christine Gaschler-Andreasch, Head of Youth Welfare in Carinthia and chair of the Youth Care Platform
Jos Sterckx, Project development University of Applied Sciences Odisee (Social Department) and coordinator of the Youth Care Platform
Parallel Sessions