Section outline
KA220-HED-F8D51393, Higher Education
Responding to Heatwaves in the Older People Ecosystem
HOPE: E-learning for students
Welcome to the HOPE e-learning! This e-learning is suitable for all students who want to be introduced to climate change, heat waves, its consequences for older people and effective interventions. We have built this e-learning based on the WHO report on climate change and its consequences.
The relevant chapters in line with the goal of this e-learning are rebuilt as a module; these chapters are obligated (‘need to know’). The other report chapters can be regarded as facultative (or additional information). Under each module, you will find references and tasks (nb in this draft not yet ready).
Heat-related (and thus climate-related) health problems can be addressed at several levels. Also, we distinguish between interventions to overcome acute health problems and interventions to prevent health problems. This means that addressing the issue of heat-related health problems is for sure a task and knowledge area for health and social professionals. But to be effective and work on real prevention, housing professionals, urban planners, and environmental and climate experts have a profound role to play. It all comes down to transdisciplinary cooperation and mutual understanding of the role each of them can and/or have to play.
You can use the material in this e-learning in several ways to increase your knowledge and understanding of the possible actions you can undertake from your professional perspective. Either start with the modules and try to make one or more present cases. Or start with one of the cases and use the information in the modules, a database of good practices, narratives of older adults and a database of articles to be able to gather the insights you need to work on these cases.
After you have studied all modules and finished the cases, you will finalize the e-learning with a multiple-choice test and an assignment. Please take the test, submit your answers, and get your appreciation right away.
A certificate can be downloaded in case you have logged in.
Before you start: please read the instructions underneath (what is a Course, and the Moodle quick start) carefully!
Good luck!
Knowledge Centre Innovations in Care, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
Colophon: This e-learning is a collaborative effort of the Erasmus+ HOPE KA220-HED-F8D51393, Higher Education project Responding to Heatwaves in the Older People Ecosystem
- GEMEENTE ROTTERDAM Netherlands, www.rotterdam.nl
- IRMANDADE DA SANTA CASA DA MISERICORDIA DA AMADORA, Portugal , https://www.misericordia-amadora.pt/
- STICHTING HOGESCHOOL ROTTERDAM, Netherlands, https://www.hogeschoolrotterdam.nl
- Social Cooperative Enterprise of Cyclades, GREECE, https://e-learning.alteravita.eu/
ASSOCIATION, France, https://elisannetwork.wixsite.com/elisan-network
The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
- Welcome to the HOPE e-learning! This e-learning is suitable for all students who want to be introduced to climate change, heat waves, its consequences for older people and effective interventions. We have built this e-learning based on the WHO report on climate change and its consequences.
The relevant chapters in line with the goal of this e-learning are rebuilt as a module; these chapters are obligated (‘need to know’). The other chapters of the report can be regarded as facultative (or additional information). Under each module, you will find references and tasks (nb in this draft not yet ready).
You can click on the link below to start the HOPE E-COURSE for STUDENTS