Ann Rommel, Rudy de Cock, Opgroien, Flemish Welfare Ministry Youth and children
Dott. Pasquale Borsellino, Veneto Region Social Services, Unit Youth Family, Minors Service
Anthony Polychronakis, City of Rotterdam, International Coordinator
Jan Claeys, Jos Sterckx, University of Applied Sciences Odisee, Social Department.
Miltos Sakellariou, Social Cooperative of Cyclades, Coordinator of ENSEL Network
Here are the presentations to download:
Day 1: Monday, January 22
Venue: Odisee University of Applied Sciences - Campus Brussels - Warmoesberg26, 1000 Brussels
- 10.50 Dr Anis Ben Brik College of Public Policy, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Doha, Qatar, Research on Families
- 10.50 - 12.45 ENSA Youth Minors and Family Working Groups
Coordination: Rudy De Cock, An Rommel, Flemish Agency Growing Up (Opgroien); Pasquale Borsellino, Veneto Region Social Services, Unit Family – Minors – Civil Service
Jan Claeys, Jos Sterckx, Odisee University of Applied Sciences Brussels Moderators
Keynote: Martino Serapioni, European Observatory on Family Policies,
Investigating possible responses to the multisectoral needs of households by providing an overview of the current alignment and coordination between complementary services and policy areas in four European countries (Finland, Germany, Italy, and Poland) and the Belgian region of Flanders.
-Katja Fournier: Odisee University Brussels, “How to support foster families.
FORM Therapeutic foster care for unaccompanied minors and their foster families”
Care services report an enormous need to offer therapeutic ‘healing and development-oriented’ - care for these youngsters and their foster families, the focus of the research presentation will be on the training model of the FORM project which aims to find ways to provide training and professional guidance to foster care workers of unaccompanied minors refugees. Exchanges will aim to bring together knowledge and experiences for the empowerment and social inclusion of these target groups.
- 12.45 - 14.45 LUNCH BREAK – Odisee University, Social Cooperative: BelCampus
- 14.45 - 16.45 Older Persons and Persons with Disabilities Working Groups
Anthony Polychronakis, City of Rotterdam, Department of Social Development
-Maria Sorzano, European Project Manager, IVASS Valencian Institute of Social Services
By 2050, in the EU the share of people over 65 will be around 30%, compared to around 20% today. An older population poses challenges for the social and healthcare sector but brings also needs and opportunities for policies that are fit for purpose in an era of major change in this session the focus will be centred on the following themes:
Panel 1: The Neighbourhood Approach. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the neighbourhood approach to improve the quality of life of citizens in the community? This panel brings together experts to discuss interdisciplinary approaches.
-Oscar Zanutto – ISRAA Treviso – Age-Friendly Neighborhoods
-Jeroen van Wijngaarden – Erasmus University Rotterdam " Neighborhood teams for vulnerable people"
-Otto Trienekens – Field Academy Rotterdam
Dementia and disabilities
On a global scale, there is a noticeable increase in the number of older people experiencing dementia and various forms of disabilities. Collaborative efforts between the governments in partnership with EU member governments and healthcare organizations, are crucial to enhance and professionalize the delivery of care.
Responding to Heatwaves in the Older People Ecosystem
Climate change has increased, in the frequency, and severity of heatwaves that will put the severe health threats of heatwaves on the agenda of the older adult service and healthcare sectors
Accessing health and social care for vulnerable groups
Due to interlocking crises in Europe (such as in housing, energy, inflation, and migration) the to facilitate EU-wide system change to increase care access, self-determination and empowerment for vulnerable groups by accessing health and social care.
Invited Speakers:
-Josine van den Bogaard & Hanadi Al’Baz – City of Rotterdam – Responding to Heatwaves in the Older People Ecosystem
-Johan Warnez Cognition and Inclusion, Belgium
-Thomas Bignal, EASPD European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities, Skills for Long-Term Care
16.45 - 17.00 Wrap up and next steps
ENSA, ENSEL Thematic Coordinators
Miltos Sakellariou, Social Cooperative Altera Vita, Cyclades (Greece):
Invitation for the 24/01 event, ENSEL Network - Social Emotional Learning and Well-Being
Day 2: Tuesday, January 23
-On-site event-
Venue: Veneto Region’s Brussels Office - Av. de Tervueren 67, 1040 Bruxelles
10.00 - 11.30 Visit of European delegations to the Veneto Region’s Brussels Office
Presentation of the activities of the Veneto and Valencia Brussels Office, Carlo Clini and Leticia Casañ Jensen, Head of Delegation - Brussels
- Focus on Dialogue on European ongoing projects
-Project Self IN: Self-management learning programs (SLP) are spaces where people with intellectual disabilities gather, discuss, and learn how to participate in our society, improving their self-determination and independence. The SELF-IN project combines SLP and metacognition methodologies as an innovative approach to improve the Quality of Life. By IVASS Valencian Institute of Social Services - María Sorzano Castellón, European Project Manager and partners
-Project TETRAS: Training of Educators for TRAnsfer of transversal Skills
Ubuntu Group is a Flemish not-for-profit network organisation active in the field of disability and social economy.
The organisation supports ca.1000 vulnerable adults with a disability
- Loes Van Cluysen, project coordinator
- Willem Philipsen, Programme Manager ‘Rotterdam Onbeperkt’, City of Rotterdam – Accessible City
- 15.00 - 17.00 -ESF Project “WE.LA.PA.. An innovative territorial network of equal opportunities in the labour and professional market in Treviso and Province.
By Greta Maniero, Manpower SRL project coordinator and Paolo Zaramella
- Eleonora Marton, Union Camere Veneto,
- Massimo Baldinato, Vice President of International Institutional Affairs Chez Leonardo
-Miltos Sakellariou, Social Cooperative Altera Vita, Cyclades (Greece), Coordinator ENSEL Network; Jos Sterckx, Odisee - University of Applied Sciences Information on EU programmes and opportunities (Erasmus+, Horizon, DG Justice,
Day 3: Wednesday, January 24
- Hybrid event-
Venue: Odisee University of Applied Sciences – Campus Brussels - Warmoesberg 26, 1000 Brussels
10.00 - 13.00 ENSEL Network & ENSA WP for Social Emotional Learning and Well-Being
Coordination: Miltos Sakellariou, Social Cooperative Altera Vita, Cyclades (Greece), Coordinator ENSEL Network & ENSA WG for Wellbeing and SEL
- Prof. Dr. Cigdem Sahin Taskin, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Education (Turkey),
Navigating Emotions Through Computational Thinking: Unpacking the COMPUSEL Project
- Dr Miguel Vidal González, Spanish National Reference Centre CIPFP Misericordia, Valencia, Spain,
- Maria del Carmen Lopez Cruz, FEMXA, Spain Director of European Funds & Development
Approach to social training: European tools and funds for a well-being improvement
- Antonio Palazuelos Prieto, SYAH Cabo Verde,
-Dott.ssa Antonella Masullo -Project “Promotion of health and well-being in Cava de’ Tirreni”
Themes: holistically implementing life skills, helping young people exercise their fundamental rights in the home, school, class and community, open presentations, and interactive sessions with different partners of ENSEL Network
-14.30 - 17.00 Internal project meeting – SACRED consortium project meeting – Lead city of Rotterdam
-15.30 - 17.00 Visit to the European Parliament – Meeting with MEP Rosanna Conte tbc
Day 4: Thursday, January 25
-10.00 - 12.00 Visit to the Centre for European Volunteering, Mundo Madou
CEV | Avenue des Arts 7/8, 1210 Brussels
CEV Presentation of mission and objectives; collaboration opportunities
Interactions with ESF Project “WE.LA.PA Greta Maniero, Manpwer SRL project coordinator and Paolo Zaramella
European Volunteer Center Vicenza - Dott.ssa Rita del Molin, Director