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    The online course will be based on the results from IO1- Research.

    The online course will be developed with some theory and mainly with practical cases to stress the practical approach of the course.

    The course will be structured in 5 training modules:

    ● Application of dance in adult education. How to use dance as an attraction element for adult’s education.

    ● Connecting dance and mindfulness to develop both simultaneously.

    ● Dance and positive psychology: practical exercises. Dance is an interconnection activity. Accordingly, dance is a way to express behaviors and interactions. The positive psychology will act with the behaviors that will arise while dancing in order to train participants. In that way, it is real learning by doing in positive psychology.

    Dance as a tool for skills development. After building the connection dance+mindfulness+positive psychology, we will use it to teach creativity and leadership within the dance activity. Accordingly, the dancing activity will be used through the whole process as an underlying tool. ● Dance as a tool for skills development II. A second module exploring other skills that can be developed through dance programs such as team group or communication.
    Local heritages and the European identity: Finally, using dance heritage, participants will learn the importance of preserving the European dance heritage and how to enhance the
    European identity.

    The course will have a duration of at least 60 hours of e-learning training.
    At the end of the course, participants will be able to download the contents in PDF format, so they can use it as a teachers’ book and consult the materials at their convenience. This will also help the partnership to ensure the materials are re-used and the project has
    better impact.

    Combining dance+mindfulness+positive psychology to develop creativity and leadership is a very innovative approach.

    200 teachers, trainers and staff from dancing groups and dancing teachers will enroll in the online course. (50 per country). 

    At least 55% of participants will be women.

    Participants that complete the course will receive a Certificate of attendance that can be downloaded from the e-learning platform.