Cours disponibles

    ENSA General Assembly 2023 and connected activities Brussels 22, 23 and 24 January 2024

    Information on EU programmes and opportunities (Erasmus+, Horizon, DG Justice) 

    Jos Sterckx Odisee - University of Applied Sciences

    Miltos Sakellariou, Social Cooperative Altera Vita, Cyclades (Greece), Coordinator ENSEL Network; 

      The ALiVE project aims at fostering the media and information literacy (MIL) of citizens and raising awareness of its key importance in today’s highly digitalised and globalised society, where we have easy access to incredible amounts of information, especially online, making it difficult to assess critically. In particular, it targets seniors (adults over 45) who have fewer learning opportunities to foster these skills, which are attractive, updated and directly tailored to their gaps

      Here is the link for the Ecourse in English :

        As the official body, representing the visually impaired people permanently residing in the Cyclades, "AROGI" and its Members, make every effort to facilitate and upgrade the quality of life of our fellow human beings, strengthening the non-negotiable right in a dignified and equal living, similar to the other members of the island society.